Do you wish to or intend on opening an own business in South Africa, but are unsure about the preferred sectors in which you can operate this business in? Please find below, the current lists of Desirable and Undesirable business undertakings as issued by the Department of Home Affairs:
Undesirable businesses in the following sectors -
Businesses that import second-hand vehicles into South Africa for the purpose of exporting them to other markets outside the RSA;
The exotic entertainment industry; and
Security industry
Desirable businesses in the following sector which also qualify for a reduction or waiver of the investment requirements should the R5 million not be available -
Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) and IT enabled services;
Capital/Transport equipment, metals and electrical machinery and apparatus;
Electro Technical;
Textile, Clothing and Leather;
Consumer goods;
Pulp, paper and furniture;
Automotive and Components;
Green Economy Industries;
Advanced Manufacturing;
Tourism Infrastructure;
Chemicals, plastic fabrication and pharmaceuticals;
Creative and Design industry;
Oil and Gas;
Mineral beneficiation;
Infrastructure Development; and
ICT (Information and Communications Technology)
For more information on the business visa process, reach out to us via our Contact Form on www.movingsouthimmigration.com. Alternatively, you may reach out to us on +2773 5357 534 or sue@movingsouthimmigration.com